Field Officer Job Circular 2025 Gram Unnayan Karma (GAK) is a national level non-governmental development organization. The organization has been implementing microfinance programs, education, health and various developmental programs among about 1 million families across the country for a long time for 30 years. Applications are being invited from interested candidates for the recruitment of manpower for the following posts in order to manage the ongoing microfinance programs of the organization.. Those interested in honest living and hard work at field level apply. is a national level private development agency.
Through this post we are going to know the details about Grameen Jan Udhan Sanstha (GJUS) Recruitment 2025 circular application eligibility, online application form filling rules, recruitment test, exam date, result and admit card download etc. So let’s know the details in the light of Grameen Jano Unnayan Sangstha Job Circular 2025. Are you looking for rural public development agency recruitment circular? If you are looking then you have entered the right website. We regularly publish the ongoing Grameen Jan Udhan Sanstha (GJUS) recruitment circular on this site. So if you are an eligible and interested candidate to apply for the GJUS recruitment circular then without delay you can apply soon as per the instructions given by the authorities within the specified time. Here you will get the latest job news all at once.
Field Officer Job Circular 2025
Rural People’s Development Corporation is a non-governmental organization. Rural Public Development Agency job is one among the other private jobs nowadays. By doing GJUS job you can build your bright future. Jan Undyan Sanstha (GJUS) publishes job circulars from time to time for recruitment of numerous manpower in various categories. After successfully applying for Rural Public Development Agency job vacancies, written and oral test will be conducted for all posts of GJUS recruitment and test venue, date and schedule will be SMS to mobile number mentioned in your Rural Public Development Agency (GJUS) recruitment notification application form and CV. Candidates will be informed in due course by mail or email.
So check your mobile sms and email inbox regularly after applying for Grameen Jan Udhan Sanstha Job Circular 2024. Also all updated information of Grameen Jan Udhan Sanstha (GJUS) Recruitment will be released on their official website So you can keep an eye on the official website of Rural Public Development Corporation Recruitment Exam Date and related information. Rural Public Development Organization Recruitment 2025 Circular We publish all the government and private jobs news in Bangladesh on our website and discuss all types of job news in detail. Through this post, we have discussed in detail about the Rural People’s Development Agency recruitment circular. If you are interested to know detailed information about GJUS job notification then you can read the post carefully from start to end. All the information related to the vacancies mentioned in the Grameen Jan Undyan Sanstha (GJUS) job circular is mentioned below:-
Field Officer Job Summary:
- Organization Name: Field Officer.
- Post name: See Original Circular
- Job Type: NGO Jobs
- Experience: As per a circular
- Age: As per a circular
- Job Nature: Full-time
- Salary: Negotiable
- Job Location: Anywhere in Bangladesh
- Official website:
- Application Deadline: 10 April 2025
Field Officer Job Circular 2025 PDF Image
Conditions: The candidate must be proficient in riding a motorcycle and must have basic computer skills and internet usage. In addition to the monthly salary for the said posts, they will be entitled to 3 festival allowances per year, CPF, gratuity, travel allowance, distance allowance, city allowance, leave encashment facility and accident insurance benefits as per the service rules of the organization. Interested candidates should send their application form by 10th April 2025 along with 2 passport size color photographs, full CV, mobile number, attested photocopies of educational qualifications and national identity card, experience, height, weight, names and mobile numbers of 2 references (non-relatives) and the name of the post, name of their district and examination center on the envelope of the application form to the Coordinator, Human Resources Department, Rural Development Works (Gak), Head Office, Gak Tower, Banani, Bogra. Only selected candidates will be informed through mobile phone/SMS to participate in the recruitment test. Female candidates are encouraged to apply for the said posts. Note: Candidates interested in working in Dhaka, Chittagong, Mymensingh, Sylhet and Khulna divisions will get priority in recruitment.
Application Deadline: 10 April 2025
Field Officer Job Circular
Applications should reach Executive Director, Rural Public Development Organization (GJUS) Altazer Rahman Road, Charnoabad, Bhola before 5.00 PM on 28/11/2024. Biodata (including mobile number) 2 recent photographs, citizenship certificate, photocopy of national identity card and all educational qualification certificates, photocopy of work experience certificate should be attached with the application. The candidate should have the mentality and skill in riding a bicycle. Only selected candidates will be called to participate in the recruitment test. The Authority reserves the right to reject any application. Selected candidates will have to pay a refundable security deposit of Rs.12000/- (twelve thousand) as security deposit at the time of joining.
Apart from salary there are lunch facility, provident fund, annual increment, festival allowance Baisakhi allowance, staff welfare fund and gratuity. Any form of advocacy will be considered as disqualification of the candidate. Interested candidates are requested to apply to the Director (HR-M & Admin) along with 03 (three) copies of recent color passport size attested photographs, complete curriculum vitae with all educational qualifications, experience certificates, attested copy of National Identity Card, mobile number and e-mail address. Will be and the application with the name of the post clearly mentioned on the envelope should reach any address mentioned below by direct post/courier by 10/02/2024; However, the application of Serial No. is asked to be sent to the below mentioned address of the Head Office and Foundation Office.
Comilla Domain Office, Kachua Chaumuhani, Ahmed Nagar, Sadar South, Comilla. TMSS Nat’s Domain Office, TMSS Building, Bara Harishpur Mor Adjacent to New Bus Stand, Natore. TMSS Mymensingh Domain Office, The Address, 4/3, Academy Road, Rail Crossing, East Gohailkandi, Mymensingh. 2. A money receipt/pay-order (non-refundable) of Rs.200/- for all posts should be enclosed with the application for recruitment test fee. The procedure for payment of recruitment examination fee is as follows: Money receipt for examination fee should be collected from any branch, region, zone, domain office, foundation office and head office of the organization with a service charge of Tk 10/-. or will count Pay order should be made from any Scheduled Bank only under the heading “TMSS” otherwise the application stands rejected.
Field Officer Job Circular 2025 Apply
Recruited staff/officers will be regularized on the basis of performance evaluation at the end of the apprenticeship period and the rules of the organization from the time of regularization. According to 03 Utsav Bhata, city allowance in case of city corporation, motorcycle soft loan facility and fuel bill, life insurance and other facilities will be provided along with joining the service, also staff privileges including credit allowance, load allowance, banker allowance, high performance bonus will be maintained. The date, time and venue of recruitment test will be informed later through SMS/mobile phone call and the time of participation in the recruitment test Original certificates of educational qualification and experience should be brought along.