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Apply Green Card Lottary 2023

If you are a lucky green cardholder, you can become a legal US citizen after five years of residency. This happens through a naturalization process in which you must pass an exam.

The Certificate of Naturalization holders is given a number of advantages, including:

  • The right to vote;
  • The right to travel abroad for an extended period of time without loss of status;
  • The right to be employed in the civil service.

In addition, citizens cannot be deported from the country.

Who is eligible for U.S. citizenship?

To apply for U.S. citizenship (naturalization), you must meet fall into one of the following categories:

  • Adult immigrants who have held a green card for more than 5 years. During this time, they have not broken any laws or left the borders of America for an extended period of time;
  • Spouses of U.S. citizens (including same-sex marriages). A minimum of three years of marriage is required to obtain citizenship;
  • Children who were born in the USA or have a parent with a U.S. passport;
  • Soldiers who serve in the U.S. Army. Serving in the army greatly reduces the procedure for obtaining citizenship. It should be noted right away that it is extremely difficult to join the ranks of the U.S. Army. Only very important officers can qualify.

Stages of US citizenship processing

The process of obtaining U.S. citizenship can be divided into several basic steps.

Eliminate any nuances that could lead to a negative decision to grant citizenship

For example, if there are questions related to minor infractions or if you have been away from the U.S. for too long. You may need legal assistance at this stage.

Collect documents

To begin the process of obtaining U.S. citizenship, you will need to gather the following documents:

  • A completed Form N-400;
  • A photocopy of your green card (both sides);
  • A check for the registration fee and the biometric service fee. You must write your registration number on the back of the check. The registration fee is $640 and the biometrics fee is $85. Applicants 75 years of age and older are exempt from the biometrics fee;
  • 2 color photographs. Learn the requirements and get US passport photos online.

Submit your biometric data

After the application is accepted, you will receive an email message inviting you to the nearest USCIS office for fingerprinting and other biometric data. Your information will be checked by the FBI.

Pass the interview

Three to nine months after you submit your application, you will be notified of your interview date at your local immigration office. Spouses may be interviewed together if they make this request on the N-400 form.

The interviewer will review your application and ask if you have any obstacles to taking the Pledge of Allegiance. You must certify that you have paid your taxes and have registered for military service (if that applies to you). Questions about your American lifestyle and morals are also raised. If you are divorced, you must prove that the conditions of your divorce are met (providing for your ex-spouse and children). If additional documentation is required, you will be scheduled for a second interview.

The examiner will also test your knowledge of the English language. You will be asked to read and write several simple sentences.

Next, the examiner will test your knowledge of U.S. history and government. The exam is easy to prepare for: you simply have to memorize the 100 standard questions and answers before the interview. You can also attend classes or take the exam at special centers at the immigration office. Examples of questions:

  • What is one promise I make when I become a U.S. citizen?
  • What was the name of the anti-discrimination movement in the 1960s?
  • Where is the Statue of Liberty located?
  • Who was the first president of the United States?

The examiner usually asks 5-10 questions, and if you answered most of them correctly, you passed the exam.

Take the Oath of Allegiance

If the interview goes well, you will be scheduled for a ceremony with the other applicants. In some areas, it takes place several months after the interview. You may travel abroad between the interview and the ceremony but must remain a permanent resident of the state where you applied for citizenship. After you take the Oath of Allegiance, you will receive a Certificate of Naturalization.

The entire U.S. citizenship process, from the time you apply to the time you receive your passport, can take anywhere from 6 to 12 months or longer. Much depends on the correctness of the application, the specific state, and the workload of the USCIS office staff.

Now you can Apply DV Lottary

Disclaimer: This is a full copy of the official DV Lottery application form. Use it for training only. You will need to apply on the official website when it opens to take part in the lottery.

Part One – Entrant Information

1. Name

2. Gender
3. Birth Date
4. City Where You Were Born

Enter Birth City Only. Do not enter District/County/Province/State.

Birth City

5. Country Where You Were Born
6. Country of Eligibility for the DV Program
Your country of eligibility will normally be the same as your country of birth. Your country of eligibility is NOT related to where you live. If you were born in a country that is not eligible for the DV program, please go to Explanation of Country of Eligibility to see if there is another option available in your case.
Are you claiming eligibility based on the country where you were born?

If not, you must enter the country from which you are claiming eligibility

7. Passport
In order to submit an entry for the Diversity Visa program, you must currently possess a valid, unexpired passport from your country of nationality, unless exempt (see below). Please answer A or B.

A) Passport Information

Name On Passport:

Passport Number

Passport Expiration Date:
Country/Authority of Issuance

B) Passport Exemption

I understand that if it is later determined I am not exempt from the passport requirement, I may be disqualified from the Diversity Visa program.
8. Entrant Photograph

Photographs must be submitted at the time of eDV entry. Photographs that do not comply with all specifications, including but not limited to recency of the photos, composition of the photos, and unacceptable backgrounds are grounds for disqualification of the entire entry. Any manipulation of photographs that alters the facial characteristics is grounds for disqualification of the entire entry. See examples on the Photo Examples page.

Please refer to the Instructions for the 2020 Diversity Immigrant Visa program (DV-2020) for technical specifications and compositional specifications for the digital image.

You will use one of the following methods to enter the image into eDV:

  • Take a new digital image,
  • Use a digital scanner to scan a submitted photograph.

Link to Photo Instructions/Photo Examples page

Clicking the ‘Choose New Photo’ button will allow you to look for and choose the file which is storing the photograph. Once chosen, the file name and the photo will display. If the photo is not correct, please click on the ‘Choose New Photo’ button to choose a new file.

Choose New Photo
9. Mailing Address

10. Country Where You Live Today
11. Phone Number
12. E-mail Address
(NOTE: This email address will be used to provide you with additional information if you are selected.)
13. What is the highest level of education you have achieved, as of today?
You must have a minimum of a high school diploma reflecting the completion of a full course of study (vocation schools or equivalency degrees are not acceptable) or be a skilled worker in an occupation that requires at least two years of training or experience to qualify (visit to see if your occupation qualifies) for a Diversity Visa.
14. What is your current marital status?

Legal separation is an arrangement when a couple remain married but live apart, following a court order. If you and your spouse are legally separated, your spouse will not be able to immigrate with you through the Diversity Visa program. You will not be penalized if you choose to enter the name of a spouse from whom you are legally separated.
If you are not legally separated by a court order, you must include your spouse even if you plan to be divorced before you apply for the Diversity Visa. Failure to list your eligible spouse is grounds for disqualification.
If your spouse is a U.S. citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident, do not list him/her in your entry.
15. Number of Children
Children include all biological children, legally adopted children, and stepchildren who are unmarried and under the age of 21 on the date you submit your entry. You must include all eligible children, even if they do not live with you or if they do not intend to apply for a Diversity Visa as your derivative. Failure to list all eligible children is grounds for disqualification. If your child is a U.S. citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident, do not list him/her in your entry.

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