3 suspected Khalistan Zindabad Force members killed after encounter with UP STF in Pilibhit The suspected Khalistani terrorists had two AK-47 assault rifles and two Glock pistols along with a huge cache of ammunition with them. Three suspected Khalistani terrorists allegedly involved in a grenade attack …
‘Daily life as it is…’: Congress MP’s argument against Narayana Murthy’s 70-hour work week call Karti Chidambaram criticized Narayana Murthy’s call for a 70-hour workweek, advocating for work-life balance over extended hours. Congress leader Karti Chidambaram has sharply criticised Infosys co-founder Narayana Murthy’s call for a …
Lara Trump, la nuera del presidente electo, descarta ocupar un escaño en el Senado por Florida El sábado por la noche anunció que finalmente no buscará ocupar el puesto vacante en el Senado por Florida pero insinuó que tendrá un papel político relevante de cara al …
Trump amenaza con que EE.UU. vuelva a controlar el Canal de Panamá El presidente electo acusó al Gobierno de Panamá de cobrar tarifas excesivas por utilizar el paso centroamericano, que permite a barcos cruzar entre los océanos Pacífico y Atlántico. El presidente electo, Donald Trump, amenazó …
Sheinbaum anuncia refuerzo consular en EU ante las amenazas de deportaciones de Trump ‘México también se escribe con M de migrante’, aseguró Sheinbaum, al recordar en su habitual conferencia de prensa en el Palacio Nacional de la capital mexicana que las Naciones Unidas declaró el 18 …
Bangladesh Jail Police Job Circular 2025 Jail Police published for 369 people. Applications are being invited from genuine Bangladeshi with the qualifications mentioned on the side of the post for direct recruitment of the below-mentioned vacant posts under the revenue sector of the Directorate of Prisons …
Croatia Work Permit Visa 2024 Croatia Work Permit and Visa Costs and Procedures Recently, since the European country Croatia has become part of Schengen, it has become much easier for Bangladeshis to fulfill their dream of coming to Europe. Croatia can be a good way to …
Statistics Assistant Job Circular 2024 Has Been Published On The Official Websites https://dghs.gov.bd/ Online applications are being invited from Bangladeshi citizens subject to the educational qualification and other conditions mentioned next to the name for appointment to the following posts Statistics Assistant Recruitment 2024 is a …