Municipality Office Job Circular 2023 Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives, Local Government Department, Municipal-1 Branch, in view of the clearance received in the original from Memorandum No. 46.00.0000., Dated- 11/06/2013, the following 01 in the revenue sector of Chatak Municipality. Applications are being invited from genuine Bangladeshis for temporary recruitment of vacancies. has been published by Authority on its website. This is a very popular job for the young generation & job seekers.
If you want to apply for this job. If you want to apply for this job, you need to apply ahead of schedule. This Job Circular has been converted to an image file so that everyone can read it easily or download this job circular. If you want to apply for this job, you should submit your application quickly. The Job Circular 2023 has been given below. You want to download the circular. You are right place here. We are given the below download. The govt job is a very demanding job but to get this job you have to hard work. We have a lot of resources for Govt jobs on our website. You can see it here.
Municipality Office Job Circular 2023
There are various facilities in a Government job which improve the quality of your life. They also provide weak holidays, monthly excellent salaries, a salary-increasing system year by year, and many more. Google is currently the most searched for Government jobs. You must visit their official website to apply for Municipality Office Jobs Circular Apply. All Interested and eligible people can apply for the Municipality Office Jobs Circular Apply. We will get a lot of recommendations on careers associated with our website.
Name of Organization: Municipality Office
Education qualification: See circular below
Job Type: Government Job
Source: Kalerkantha
Location: Bangladesh
Salary: 8,250-20,010 BDT
Job Nature: Full Time
Age Limit: 18-30
Application Last Date: 17 September 2023
Pourashava Job Circular 2023
Pourashava Job Circular 2023 Muktagacha
Source: Manobkantha, 24 August 2023
Application Deadline: 17 September 2023
Pourashava Job Circular 2023 Chatmohar 
Source: Bhorerkagoj, 14 August 2023
Application Deadline: 29 August 2023
Source: Samakal, 02 August 2023
Application Deadline: 18 August 2023
Pourashava Job Circular 2023 Pirojpur
Source: Samakal, 20 July 2023
Application Deadline: 17 August 2023
Municipality Job Circular 2023 Joypurhat
Source: Bangladesh Pratidin, 28 July 2023
Application Deadline: 17 August 2023
1. The application form should reach by post to the Mayor, Maktagachha Municipality by 17/09/2023 AD. No application will be accepted directly or by hand. 2. Candidate’s name, father’s/husband’s name, mother’s name, permanent and present address, nationality, religion, date of birth, age and experience (if any) should be mentioned in the application form. 3. The following documents should be attached with the application form:- (a) Attested photocopy of NATIONAL ID CARD.
Municipality Office Job Circular
(b) Attested photocopy of online birth certificate. (c) Original copy of citizenship certificate by Ward Councillor/Municipal Mayor/Chairman of Union Parishad. (d) Attested photocopy of provisional/original certificate as proof of educational qualification. (e) 3 (three) copies of passport size attested color photographs taken recently. (f) Character certificate by a gazetted officer of the first class. (g) Attested photocopy of latest renewal of valid driving license with application for the post of Truck/Tractor Driver, Jeep Driver, Road Roller Driver.
(h) A bank draft/pay order (non-refundable) of Tk 500 should be submitted along with the application form for each post. (j) A return envelope (9.5 inches x 4.5 inches) affixed with a postal stamp of Rs. 4. The age of the applicant should be between 18-30 years as on the date of publication of the recruitment circular in the newspaper. However, the age limit is relaxable up to 32 years in case of children of freedom fighters/martyred freedom fighters. No affidavit is admissible for proof of age.
5. In the case of children of freedom fighters/martyred freedom fighters, the photocopy of the freedom fighter certificate of the father/mother issued by the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs shall be attested by a gazetted officer of the first class. 6. The name of the post should be mentioned clearly on the envelope sending the application form. Incomplete, defective and late applications will be treated as rejected outright. 7. The documents submitted must be attested by a gazetted officer of the 1st class and must bear the clear name and designation of the attesting officer.
8. Job aspirants must apply through the appropriate authority within the stipulated time. 9. Candidates must produce original copies of all certificates at the time of oral examination. 10. Other terms and conditions of appointment shall be followed along with the quota fixed for the candidates as per the prevailing government rules. 11. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the examination. 12. Municipal Employment Rules-1992 and Government Rules issued from time to time in this regard shall be followed for the said appointment.
Pourashava Job Circular
13. No appointment based on daily attendance or temporary appointment shall be given to the posts granted leave. 14. A job candidate cannot apply for more than one post. 15. If any evidence of fraud is found later on the documents submitted, the appointment will be considered canceled directly. 16. The authority reserves the right to accept/reject any application without assigning any reason.