Zilla Parishad Office Job Circular 2025 District under implementation by the Islamic Foundation of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Applications are invited for appointment to the following posts subject to the following conditions. Through this post, we will know details about Upazila Parishad Office Recruitment 2025 circular, application eligibility, online application form filling rules, recruitment test, test date, result and admit card download etc. So let’s know the details in the light of Upazila Parishad Job Circular 2025. Are you looking for upazila parishad office recruitment circular? If you are looking then you have entered the right website. We regularly publish all ongoing Upazila Parishad office recruitment circulars on this site. So if you are an eligible and interested candidate to apply for the Upazila Parishad office recruitment circular then you can apply within the specified time as per the instructions given by the authorities without delay. Here you will get the news of all types of jobs first at once.
We publish all upazila job circulars of Bangladesh in our website. Which have not yet expired. If you want, you can easily apply by knowing about Upazila Parishad Recruitment 2024 through this advertisement. And of course you need to choose the right job post before applying. From Upazila Parishad employment circular. Zilla Parishad Office Recruitment Circular 2025 Upazila is an important unit of the administrative system of Bangladesh. An upazila is formed with a few villages and unions. A district was formed with several upazilas. Currently there are 492 upazilas in 6 divisions in 64 districts. The job application must be done within the specified time as per the rules of the authority. You see the official notification very well. If you want to apply to Zilla Parishad Office. And apply within the specified time given by the authority. Briefly view Upazila Parishad Recruitment Circular 2025.
Zilla Parishad Office Job Circular 2025
Zilla Parishad Office is one of the most advanced government jobs in Bangladesh. So it is a common thing that everyone has weakness towards this job. Then complete your application process without delay. The application process is mentioned in the official notice mentioned above. You send your application to Upazila Parishad on time and correctly. Which is written in Upazila Parishad recruitment circular 2025. Nowadays getting a government job is a matter of luck and if you get a government job especially in Upazila Parishad then you can build your bright future very easily. And if you need more recruitment notification. Then you can visit our home page. Because we publish all our recruitment notices on homepage and in different categories. But you will get all notifications on home page.And if you want to get daily recruitment notification manually. Then you can save this website in your browser. For easy access later, you can subscribe to our website and our website so that you will be notified as soon as any recruitment notification is published.
Upazila Parishad is a unitary part of the administrative system of Bangladesh. Upazila Parishad office job is one among other private jobs at present. You can build your beautiful future by working in Upazila Parishad office. Upazila Parishad offices publish job circulars from time to time for the purpose of hiring numerous manpower in different categories. Upazila Parishad Office Recruitment 2025 Circular We publish all the government and private jobs news in Bangladesh on our website and discuss in detail about all types of job news. Through this post, I have discussed in detail about the Upazila Parishad office recruitment circular. If you are interested to know detailed information about Upazila Parishad Office job notification then you can read the post carefully from beginning to end. All the information related to the vacancy mentioned in the job circular in the Upazila Parishad office is mentioned below:-
Zilla Parishad Office Job Summary:
Organization: Zilla Parishad Office.
Posts Category: 01+01
Total Vacancies: 01+01
Job Type: Full time
Salary Scale: 9300 – 32240 Taka
Job Category: Government Jobs
Application Start Date: 14 & 20 February, 2025
Application Last Date: 23 March & 15 April, 2025
Zilla Parishad Office Job Circular 2025 PDF Image
Post Category: 04
Total Vacancies: 07
Source: 20 February 2025
Application Deadline: 23 March 2025
Application Method: Offline
Cumilla Zilla Parishad Job Circular 2025
Post Category: 01
Total Vacancies: 01
Source: 14 February 2025
Application Deadline: 15 April 2025
Zilla Parishad Office Job Circular
Conditions: Till the permanent manpower structure is approved the manpower will be appointed on honor basis by the management committee. 2. Candidate must be a permanent citizen of Bangladesh. Mentioning applicant’s name, father’s name, mother’s name, permanent and present address, date of birth, nationality, religion, mobile number, educational qualification and experience 3. Hand written application to President, Upazila Model Mosque and Islamic Cultural Center Alfadanga, Faridpur next 21/11/2024 AD. Must be submitted at the office of the Upazila Nirbahi Officer during office hours. 8. (a) Educational qualification and experience attested photocopies of all certificates (b) National Identity Card attested photocopies (c) 03 (three) copies of passport size photographs to be submitted with the application. The name of the candidate must be mentioned on the application and the envelope.
5. The Pesh Imam has to lead the obligatory imamate in the Friday Khutba and the Friday and Waqtiya prayers. 6. 7. 700/- (Seven Hundred) for Pesh Imam and 500/- (Five Hundred) for Muezzin and 300/- (Three Hundred) Taka for Khadem post along with the application form Irrevocable Pay Order/Bank Draft President, Upazila Model Mosque and Islamic Cultural Center , Alfadanga, must always be submitted. Incomplete application will be considered rejected. Any kind of recommendation or solicitation regarding the appointment will be considered against the eligibility of the candidate. The authority reserves the right to accept, select and reject applications.
Zilla Parishad Office Job Circular 2025 apply
The appointed manpower shall perform the duties and responsibilities mentioned in the District, Upazila Model Mosque and Islamic Cultural Center Management Policy 2021 or the latest circular. 9. No candidate can apply for more than one post and if he is appointed to the post by concealing any information, his appointment will be deemed to be canceled if the matter is proved. 10. Those recommended for appointment shall be appointed after verification by the competent agency that they have not been and are not involved in any anti-state activities. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the examination. The authority reserves the right to change or cancel this recruitment notification without assigning any reason. The authority reserves the right to modify or cancel this recruitment notification without assigning any reason.